Permanent Residency

invest €300,00 in a
New House

The Permanent Residence Program allows you to secure permanent residency in Cyprus. Possibly Europe's greatest fast track scheme for foreigners seeking an immigration permit through property investment. It's a fantastic opportunity in which you may invest as low as €300,000 in a new house and receive Cyprus permanent residency in 60 days.


The Cyprus Permanent Residence Permit includes the applicant's whole family, including dependents and parents, as well as his or her spouse. The Permanent Resident Permit is valid indefinitely. You must visit Cyprus at least once every two years for one day. Following their actual presence on the Island, a Cyprus Permanent Resident has the right (under specific conditions) to apply for a Cypriot passport. The holder of a Cyprus Permanent Residency and his family are not need to get a visa to enter Cyprus. Cyprus, Romania, Bulgaria, and Croatia are also anticipated to join the Schengen region shortly!


Individuals who invest €300,000 in Cyprus are entitled to apply for the Permanent Residency Program. Investments in residential real estate can be done not only for a new house and/or apartment, but also for the acquisition of other forms of real estate such as offices, stores, tourism or similar projects. A fixed deposit carries no commitment. It is worth noting that the fixed deposit requirement has been removed, and the applicant is no longer obliged to deposit €30,000 in a fixed deposit account for three years.


The primary applicant receives the Immigration Permit, which may include the applicant's spouse and dependent children under the age of 18. Dependent children between the ages of 18 and 25 who are enrolled in higher education abroad on the date of application may also be included. Dependents studying in the Republic also have advantages. An Immigration Permit can also be given to the applicant's parents and spouse if separate applications are submitted for each individual and the applicant provides additional yearly income for each dependent parent.

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